

学费 & 金融援助


大学的基石 Reset 学费 22% Lower For The 2024-25 Academic Year

新闻 10月. 19, 2023

密歇根州大急流城. -生肖买马网站, 得到了董事会的完全批准,  announced that it is resetting its tuition price 22% lower for on-campus students for the 2024-25 academic year as part of its strategic growth initiative. The aim is to increase awareness that 大学的基石 is one of the most 负担得起的, 日益增长的, private Christian universities in 密歇根 和 the nation 和 to offer tuition transparency for students 和 families who might perceive that private education is financially out of reach.

“大学的基石 believes that an outst和ing private Christian education should be attainable for all 学生和家庭,”博士说. Gerson Moreno-Riaño,生肖买马网站校长. “The tuition reset reflects our commitment to removing financial barriers to affordability 和 offers tuition transparency. 随着我们继续我们的战略增长计划, Cornerstone wants every student to experience the best possible education that prepares them for a Christ-centered flourishing career 和 life.”

  • 学费 for the academic year will be reset from the 2023-24 tuition price of $28,300 to $22,传统本科学位2024-25学年的学费为10万美元.
  • Nearly 100% of new students receive 金融援助 through scholarships 和 grants to make their educational career goals a reality.
  • 大学的基石 is reducing the base tuition price by 22% to $22,000 to reflect better transparency in what undergraduate students actually pay. 
  • The Cornerstone Commitment Grant is offered for eligible families to pay no out-of-pocket tuition. In partnership with the 密歇根 Achievement Scholarship for recent high school graduates, families with the highest level of demonstrated financial need will qualify for a matching Cornerstone grant up to the full cost of tuition.
  • Cornerstone’s knowledgeable enrollment 和 金融援助 teams can help students 和 families map out avenues to pay for college which is an investment that grows in lifetime value.

Students rarely pay the full published tuition price at any university due to 金融援助 offsets. 为了提高透明度, Cornerstone is publishing its lower tuition rate which is closer to what families actually pay 和 more 负担得起的 than families might imagine for an accredited outst和ing private Christian undergraduate degree. Exp和ing affordability awareness means more students can consider 大学的基石’s private Christian education to pursue their career 和 life goals.

The value of a college degree remains a significant factor in financial 和 career upward mobility, 随着职业发展,终身价值也在增加. At $22,000 for tuition, Cornerstone is more 负担得起的 than the $42,000 本地和全国私立大学的平均学费. 另外, the university is well within the affordability range of many public universities once scholarships 和 aid are factored in. 

高等生肖买马网站委员会在美国,这所大学最重要的特色是它的专业知识 75个以上的优秀学位 和 student learning experiences that are driven by the university’s 任务 to educate bold, Christ-centered influential graduates from a sophisticated academic 和 圣经基督教世界观

课程, 由杰出的教师学者授课, 研究人员和行业专家, cultivates the 任务 to educate men 和 women to influence the world for Jesus Christ. 该大学的 铜的承诺铜铅 – our student leadership pathway – initiatives are aligned with the university’s Biblical 任务 和 the recent 全国大学和雇主协会 (NACE)就业需求和市场技能报告. 毕业生准备好迎接市场, ministry 和 leadership-ready by developing skills that are highly desired across every industry sector. 

“We are excited to make a 大学的基石 degree financially accessible for undergraduate students,海蒂·茜茜说, 负责招生和营销的副总裁. “我们经验丰富的招生顾问, 金融援助, academic success advisors 和 campus spiritual life teams are ready to welcome students to start this life-changing investment in their future.” 

Students 和 families are invited to discover how 大学的基石 can transform their future through a distinctive, 负担得起的, 私立基督教高等生肖买马网站. 访问 或联系 616.222.1426 for more information on tuition affordability or general enrollment.

大学的基石 is an accredited Christian university with a passion for global influence through the transforming power of the gospel. 作为一个位于大急流城的跨宗派机构, 密歇根, Cornerstone offers 75 plus undergraduate 和 graduate traditional 和 online degree 项目 offered on campus 和 online including Cornerstone Theological Seminary 和 Asia Biblical Theological Seminary.



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